Happy New Year!

2012...wow! When I was a young boy my friends and I would do the math and talk about how we'd probably still be alive at the turn of the century, and we'd try to imagine what life might be like in the 2000s! Well, I made it.

Every year's got so much to offer—I've been playing a lot with a bunch of wonderfully talented folks recently (Walt Wilkins, John Inmon, Ramsay Midwood,to name a few) and I look for that to continue. But I've also resolved to release a new cd this year, and so I'm busy making plans to let people see and hear the newest stuff. Hey, it even looks like I'll be in France for some playing in August (thank you Steve Carter and Phillippe Lafont!)

In the nearer future, I'll be heading up to Memphis for the International Folk Alliance Festival and Conference, an amazing affair with SO much music...it's almost too much...but I love it. Hope to see you out a show sometime soon!

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